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Dean Kervin Boursiquot—when the heart hurts

Gabrielle Cerberville—The Mushroom Hunters

Carson Cooman—Antique Navigation

Max Gibson—...through the gloaming, earth glistens with radiant stars...

Anthony R. Green—Zoeken

György Kurtág—Splinters

György Kurtág—Un brin de Bruyère à Witold
Brad Lubman—Solo

Colin Minigan—Towards Southgate

Bryndan Moondy—...nearly still...
Per Norgard—Isternia

Bahar Royaee—Two sands engraved an image in the corner of my memory
Mischa Salkind-Pearl—Palm’s Soft Terrain               
Juri Seo—Etudes

Zoë A. Wallace—Tantrum


Milan Báchorek—Concerto Fantasia
Pierre Boulez—Répons
Stefano Gervasoni—Graminga
Stefano Gervasoni—Epicadenza
Balint Károsi—Triple Concerto
Steven Mackey—Five Animated Shorts
György Ránki—Concertino for cimbalom and chamber orchestra


Kati Agócs—Saint Elizabeth Bells
John Aylward—Atmospheric Tremors
Mark Andre—AB I
Pierre Boulez—Eclat
Richard Carrick—Dark Flow
Quinn Collins—Shastasheen
Peter Maxwell Davies—Image Reflection Shadow
Peter Maxwell Davies—Sonatina
Nathan Davis—Inside Voice
Christopher Douthitt—CVVC
Marti Epstein—Hypnagogia
Marti Epstein—A Little Celestial Tenderness
Florent Ghys—Click Farm
György Kurtág—Tre Pezzi / Tre Altri Pezzi
György Kurtág—Scenes From a Novel
György Kurtág—In Memory of a Winter Evening
Brad Lubman—Duo for cello and cimbalom
Yan Maresz—Sul Segno
John McDonald—Double Diptych
Dave Molk—Buzzed
Lise Morrison—Staircase Wit
Mischa Salkind-Pearl—Map of My Room

Anna Pidgorna—What else can I give him?
Anna Pidgorna—Another Meditation on an Invented Folk Song
Anna Pidgorna—Walk Under the Moon
Juri Seo—Doremi Variations
Annika Sokolofsky—Beneath the Snow
Igor Stravinsky—Ragtime
Kendall Williams—Appointment Day


Maya Bennardo—sliver of sky in a crowded room

Darcy Copeland—threshold of our fragile body

Marti Epstein—inflorescence

Ash Graham—echoes and empy shapes

Anthony R. Green—Refiner's Fire

Curtis Hughes—driftwood crunch pariah

György Kurtág—8 Duos for Violin and Cimbalom

György Ligeti—Musica Ricercata (arr. Ash Graham)

John McDonald—Thoughts on the Way

Mischa Salkind-PearlLines and Traces of Desire

Sid Richardson—which was the dream, which was the veil?

Domenico Scarlatti—Sonata K435 (arr. Salkind-Pearl)

Golnaz Shariatzadeh—fish

Niloufar Shiri—SAAR



Leila Adu-Gilmore—Asphalt Grandpa

Toby Driver—Parapuká Vená

Marti Epstein—Mary Magdalen

Curtis Hughes—butter-wouldn’t-melt-in-his-mouth

Zoltán Jeney—Mária siralma

György Kurtág—7 Songs for Soprano and Cimbalom

Mischa Salkind-Pearl—The Plum Gatherer

Andy Vores—Hard Songs


Kati Agócs—The Debrecen Passion
Louis Andriessen—La Commedia
Louis Andriessen—La Passione
Louis Andriessen—La Giro
Béla Bartók—First Violin Rhapsody
George Benjamin—Into the Little Hill

George Banjamin—Lessons in Love and Violence
Pierre Boulez—Eclat/Multiples
Henri Dutilleux—L’arbre de songes
Henri Dutilleux—Mystére de l’instant
Peter Eotvos—Reading Malevich
John Harbison—Symphony No. 6
Heinz Holliger—Lunea
Thomas Kessler—Utopia III
Bálint Karosi—Existentia (in memory of Sándor Weöres)
Zoltan Kodaly—Hary Janos Suite

Zoltan Kodaly—Kallo Folk Dances
György Kurtág—Messages of the Late RV Trussova
György Kurtág—Stele
György Kurtág—Petite musique solennelle
György Kurtág—…quasi una fantasia...
György Kurtág—Double Concerto
Hannah Lash—The Voynich Symphony
Hilda Paredes—Señales
Igor Stravinsky—Renard
Mark Anthony Turnage—Speranza

Frank Zappa—The Yellow Shark


last updated February 2025

All linked recordings feature Nicholas Tolle on cimbalom

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